October 2016

Well I am no longer a Blog newbie I am ready for Blog number 2.
Our Website has been up and functional since 10/3/16. Doing a Website is harder than it looks especially when you want it just so. I don’t know if “just so” is even possible but I will continue to tweak and evolve this site.
In my quiet time I sometimes run everything that has happened as a result of me becoming a Co-Founder of Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies and starting our retail branch Bigfoot, Yowie & Yeti. Here are my observations.
Life definitely is way more interesting than I ever believed possible. It gives me hope and I don’t know exactly why but probably because it makes everything possible.
I really did get to meet the most interesting people this year which has renewed my belief in humankind.
From my experience Sasquatch will be proven. I may be dead 100 years but it will happen.
From my experience I understand why it hasn’t happened yet. This life is absolutely fascinating but it is a rabbit hole.
On the Bigfoot, Yowie & Yeti side interest is growing rapidly and it is from every age, gender, race and socio- economic group. That makes me believe that one thing that brings people together is when pondering if there is another branch of Hominids in our midst.
I hope you find something you like on the website and get outdoors if you are able.

This is my first ever Blog of any sort. You could say with confidence I am not a Blog guy… but here goes.
I plan on doing a weekly Blog which will encompass what is happening at Bigfoot, Yowie & Yeti along with the latest on our Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies (SIR) happenings.
On the Bigfoot, Yowie & Yeti front we are no longer at the Brick & Mortar store in Denver. We are exclusively on the web at www.bigfootyowieyeti.com or our Facebook page @bigfootyowieyeti as well as our research Website sasquatchinvestigationsoftherockies.org please check us out.
I have four new colors of Baseball caps, beanies, bucket hats and Gatsby’s. The Flexfit baseball hats are black on with embroidered black thread with silver highlights. The other Flexfit is red with silver Tree Peeker.
On the Beanies the new gray is a tad different than the old gray. My favorite is the blue Beanie with white Tree Peeker on the front. My 18 year old son loves the one I gave him.
The bucket hats have reflective Tree Peekers and come in tan and green.
Lastly the Gatsby’s, I really like this style of hat they class up the place.
On the SIR side of things we have many irons in the fire. A few of us may have small parts on an up coming documentary called, “Chasing Bigfoot: The search for the truth” produced out of Boulder, Colorado by Centre Productions. We will see how that goes.
SIR recently found a nest on the ground where some small pines had been peeled off with what to me had to have had incredible dexterity. I am thinking opposable thumbs these pine bowswere then woven into a 5 foot in diameter nest wedged between three trees next to a water source.
We had two studies of the hairs done in a single blind study. Neither side ran DNA on the material we gave them. The analysis of the hairs concluded that the nest had a lot of different food back to the inhabitant in the nest. Both studies revealed hair of rodents, deer, elk and one side said horse the other never mentioned horse. Basically, two different conclusions one saying they found hairs with the hallmarks of what Sasquatch hair consist of. No medulla, blunt hairs I believe they are going to study further. We may get a second opinion on the other groups findings as we now have their samples back.
Stay tuned and we will let you know how things work out. No matter what science or folklore say we at SIR and Bigfoot Yowie &Yeti keep having incredible experience in the woods.