Documentary Feature

Posts, Yetifest is coming July29th Gould ,Coloado

Documentary Feature

I had the pleasure to see the documentary that Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies and Bigfoot Yowie & Yeti were prominently represented in this week. It is produced by Centre Productions out of Boulder, Colorado. Ron Meyers and Anna Meyer Evans worked tirelessly on this project traveling across the United States meeting and discussing the origins and current state of affairs regarding Sasquatch. They even spent the night with Mike and I in the outfitters tent. This is a new area and it is still dicey at best on what can or will happen. They documented the nest that we believe was built for the sole purpose of birthing a Sasquatch.
The title is Chasing Bigfoot: The Search for the Truth. It is a five part series and is available on Amazon Prime. I highly recommend watching what they have compiled.
We always seem to have several irons in the fire. I will divulge more once we have had a chance to see if we are interested in pursuing. I know I am vague on what this opportunity is but keep checking in and I will keep people interested apprised of the outcome.
Until then please keep checking us out. I am working on a newsletter as we speak and hope to be sharing that once a month in addition to the weekly Blog.

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